I was overweight and insecure for many years. As a young child I was embarrassed of my weight and the constant name calling and "labeling" made it worseI endured many struggles and difficulties including a broken home, sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse and a divorce of my own.

I made the decision to use these traumatic circumstances and challenges to search and find the fighter and champion within me. I dedicated large amounts of my time researching, learning and putting things to the test.

I made many mistakes along the way. I tried different diets and exercise programs, some did not work and some "did" but were not healthy nor sustainable long term. I reached rock bottom when I realized how these wrong approaches were negatively affecting me physically as well as mentally and emotionally and my daughters were witnessing it.

I got serious and decided to study holistic living, fell in love with it, became my lifestyle and naturally I started helping others do the same. For some time I was helping them reach their fitness, health and wellness goals without compensation. I decided to invest the time to get certified, got my credentials and started working in gyms, fitness centers and studios training, mentoring, coaching and instructing.

I am grateful for the opportunity to help you avoid all the mistakes I made. I would like you to start or restart the journey of weight loss and good health the attainable, permanent and satisfying way. I am excited you are going to transform your life! I can't wait to get you started! Are you ready? Let's do this!

Believing in you,

your trainer, instructor and coach

-Nancy Ace


This program is designed to help you lose weight gradually and in a healthy manner; giving you the results you desire and deserve, whether your goal is to lose 5 pounds or 20+ pounds. As with dozens of my clients the approach is the same; attainable and gradual results that are steady and long term.

In this program you will have access to 12 weeks of non repeated workout routines designed strategically to help you lose weight. Each workout has a clip and a description to help you execute each exercise correctly. I have also included modifications to certain exercises that could be harder or even unsafe to do if you have limitations, please modify as shown. Please read the instructions thoroughly before you do each exercise.

You will also have access and utilize the Six Week Meal Plan during your 12 week weight loss program. At the end of the 6th week you will start from week one to continue mastering your meal planning skills.

A nutrition guide is also included that will help you get on track with proper nourishment depending on you body type, portion sizing, calorie intake, vegetarian and vegan alternatives, recipe ideas and more.

I created and included the Four Pillars of a Successful Fitness Goal that I've used in my practice to help clients reached a sustainable fitness/health goal.


I prepared a different workout routine for each training day designed for weight loss. I strategically combined them to activate, confuse and rest muscle groups periodically. Muscle activation and reactivation are key for weight loss. Muscles are responsible for burning massive amounts of calories not only for the duration of the training but for up to 72 hours after you have completed it. You can utilize 12-36 ounce water bottles or small 1-5 pound weights.


you will get 6 weeks of meals and snacks for the 12 week period. on your seventh week you will continue from week 1. My hope is that it will be much easier & may become as second nature on your seventh week as you continue practicing meal planning, portion sizing and food selection.
In the guide you will find all my top tips and guidelines (backed up by science) on how to improve your daily nutrition as part of a long-term healthy lifestyle change. Nourishing your body in a balance way will give you more energy and focus, plus help you keep in shape and feel great about yourself. I have even included meal ideas and new food suggestions so you can get creative and add your own twist in the kitchen and make what’s best for you with joy!


In the Four Pillars of a Successful Fitness Goal booklet I explain the importance they have in our fitness/health goals. How good and practical we think, feel, make choices and act upon those choices highly depend on how well we know how to regenerate daily in each and every one of these areas. I also encourage you to take some time to set your mind and keep it set. I have included questions that are going to help you go deeper into your why. Knowing your why is critical.

This is what you will get :

  1. Self pace instruction with videos and written instructions and steps
  2. 12 weeks of non repeated daily workout routines (4-6 exercises daily)
  3. Meal Plan
  4. Nutrition Guide
  5. The Four Pillars of a Successful Fitness Health Program




Nancy is one of the most experienced and committed trainers that I have ever met and had. She taught me the importance of healthy eating habits and an active life style. I very much enjoyed her training sessions because they left me with a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. Nancy is very passionate about helping others reach their fitness goals, she makes sure that your session is challenging and yet they are fun and enjoyable. I highly recommend her.

*more testimonials at:
